MM slash DD slash YYYY
Consumer Name(Required)
Consumer Status:(Required)
Level of Care:(Required)
Are court documents required for this consumer?:(Required)
Yes, in chart and completedYes, in chart, but incompleteNo, missingExpiredN/A
Consent for Treatment
Consent for Telehealth
Emergency Contact(s)
Attendance Policy
Financial Form
Electronic Consent
Consumer Handbook/Orientation Acknowledgement
Overdose Plan
Signed Clear Waiver
Yes, in chart and completedYes, in chart, but incompleteNo, missingExpiredN/A
Transportation: Van
Transportation: Uber
ROI: Optum
ROI: Mental Health
Yes, in chart and completedYes, in chart, but incompleteNo, missingExpiredN/A
Family & Recovery Environment Assessment
Alcoholism Screening
HIV Education:
TB Assessment:
Yes, in chart and completedYes, in chart, but incompleteNo, missingExpiredN/A
Pain Management
Completed ASAM- Chemical Dependancy Assessment:(Required)
Level of care at intake:(Required)
Completed ASI/POSIT- Bio, Psycho, Social Assessment:(Required)
Initial UA Results:(Required)
Completed Initial Individual Treatment Plan:(Required)
Has the consumer been in services days 30 days or longer?(Required)
Has the consumer been discharged?(Required)
Has a discharge summary been completed?(Required)